What will help here is the ability to easily add links to your website and specific articles and blog posts. If you choose to ‘Pin From the Web’, you can then type in an URL and select an image from that website to go along with it. Under the pin, it will then say ‘Pinned from’ and you can click that to follow through to the blog post or article where it was originally posted.
This means that people can follow your boards to stay up-to-date with your new articles and blog posts if they want as well, which they may choose to do if Pinterest is their preferred platform. Beyond the basic features, there are also some more advanced options and tools on Pinterest that are going to be especially useful for marketers.
One example is ‘Article Rich Pins’.

These have been around since September 2013 and they basically take the central concept of posting links to blogs and articles and build on it. These allow you to share links as you already could but the additional advantage is that you can add extra information about the article such as the title, the site name, the description and the author. This makes your blog and article links considerably more appealing and it encourages people to sign up automatically.


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